Buell Motorcycle Lemon Law Claims
Did you recently learn that your Buell is defective? If so, you might have questions about whether you could pursue a lemon law claim. If you are interested in learning more about the legal options available to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to our lemon law experts at your earliest convenience. Our attorneys here at MLG are fully committed to providing you with the guidance that you need to fight for your rights under the lemon law and obtain fair compensation. Contact us today to learn more about your right to file your Buell lemon law claim.

About Buell Motorcycle
Buell Motorcycle was founded in 1983. From 1985 to 1992, the company built a range of street sport motorcycles using Harley engines, so much that Harley-Davidson purchased a minority interest of the company in 1993. By 1998, the company had manufactured over 20,000 motorcycles, and Erik Buell sold 49% of the company to Harley.
Current models of Buell Motorcycle include the following:
- Hammerhead 1190
- 1190SX
- Super Cruiser
- Super Touring
- Baja 1190 Dune Racer
Common Issues in Buell Motorcycles
Some of the most common issues present in Buell motorcycles include the following:
- Electrical issues, including electrical glitches which cause problems with starting, lights, etc.
- Drive belt issues
- Snapping bolts due to material weakness
- Poor finish quality
- Issues with Z-bar frame design, including stress points leading to frame damage
Is My Buell Motorcycle a Lemon?
This is a very important question. If your motorcycle is showing problems that cannot be repaired even after multiple repair attempts, your motorcycle might be a lemon. What does this mean? If your vehicle is a lemon, you could have grounds to file a claim against the motorcycle manufacturer. More specifically, the Song-Beverly Act (known as the lemon law) protects consumers who have purchased vehicles that turn out to be defective.
For motorcycles to qualify as lemons, they must meet the following requirements:
- Still be under active manufacturing warranty
- Have a defect that affect safety, value, or use
- Have a defect that cannot be repaired even after multiple repair attempts (the number of repair attempts considered “reasonable” may vary based on the type of defect present)
If your motorcycle does not meet all three of these points, then you will not be eligible to pursue a lemon law claim.
The Remedies Available for Motorcycle Lemon Law Claims
If your motorcycle is defective and you file a lemon law claim, you could be entitled to some of the following remedies:
- Either a replacement motorcycle or a motorcycle buyback (refund)
- Compensation for all out-of-pocket repair costs and other incurred costs
What Should I Do?
If your Buell Motorcycle is defective, it is important that you follow the suggestions listed below:
- Keep records of all repairs made on your motorcycle
- Gather documents relevant to your motorcycle warranty
- Seek legal advice from an experienced motorcycle lemon law attorney as soon as possible
Do I really need a lawyer? This is a very common question. Although you can technically handle your lemon law claim on your own, doing so is not recommended. Motorcycle manufacturers may try to unfairly deny your claim or make low offers. To ensure that your claim is taken seriously and that you are fairly compensated, contact us today.
Will I have to pay legal fees? No, under the lemon law, manufacturers are required to completely cover legal costs for lemon law claims that arise. You can pursue your lemon law claim without having to worry about any expensive legal costs.
Contact Our Motorcycle Lemon Law Experts Today
Have you been dealing with constant repairs on your Buell motorcycle? If so, you could have grounds to file a lemon law claim. You could also be entitled to receive compensation. If you are ready to discuss your right to file a lemon law claim with our Buell Motorcycle lemon law experts, contact us today. Our lemon law experts here at My Lemon Lawyer Group have decades of experience and are more than ready to provide you with the guidance that you need to fight for your rights and secure the payout that you are owed. Contact us today!

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